Josie's Old Crow Adventures

Josie's Old Crow Adventures
An indigenous tourism company offering winter outdoor adventures in the remote northern community of Old Crow, Yukon.
Josie’s Old Crow Adventures is owned and operated by Paul Josie. Paul Josie is a member of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation in Old Crow. He is grandson to Edith Josie, author of the famous column, “Here are the News” and Son of William and Vicky Josie of Old Crow.
Raised in Old Crow, Paul has always had a special connection to the land. He grew up running sled dogs and helping with his family’s dog team. In 2017 Paul married his wife, Bree and in 2018 their daughter, Tl’yah Tr’an was born.
This is a family owned and operated indigenous tourism business and we are so excited to take you out on the land and teach you about our community.