Watch the northern lights virtually

Nature like you’ve never seen it
You’ll be completely captivated and enchanted by the magic of it all. The beautiful colours. The way the lights dance across the sky. We’re biased, but it’s the best show we’ve ever seen. Cirque du Soleil, who?
Coined by Galileo in the 17th century, the term “aurora borealis” is derived from the Roman goddess of the dawn. And although the Northern Lights look like magic, they actually occur because over-excited electrons from the sun are hitting the magnetosphere. Neat.
You can view the auroras from anywhere in the Yukon, but they’re even better if you view them away from city lights. That way, you won’t miss a single dancing electron. We’d suggest picking a tranquil spot out of town or booking with a tour operator for a near-private performance. Or, post up with a cup of hot chocolate and take it all in.
So, are you ready for a completely transformational experience? We’ll save you a seat.