Discovery Claim National Historic Site

Discovery Claim National Historic Site
Bonanza Creek Road
Dawson City YT Y0B 1G0
Opening hours
Open year round and accessible as snow permits in the winter.
Discovery Claim National Historic Site is where gold was discovered in 1896, triggering the Klondike Goldrush. It is a legally defined mining claim measuring 500 by 2000 feet located on Bonanza Creek, a tributary of the Klondike River near Dawson City, Yukon. The site is in a deep valley which has been mined heavily since the discovery, first by hand then with mechanized equipment.
The discovery story's details vary, but it is generally held that Keish / Skookum Jim Mason, of the Tagish First Nation, discovered the gold. Soon after the discovery, every creek and hillside in the Klondike was being worked.
Explore the 1.5-km/1-mile interpretive trail with the site guide, the Explora app, or the Xplorer kid's booklet. See if you can find the Geocache.