Iconic drives: Campbell/Canol route

Miles of untouched wilderness
This route includes the Alaska, North Klondike and Robert Campbell Highways. Explore the history of the gold rush, the silver mining era and the construction of the Alaska Highway. Museums, interpretive centres and points of interest along the way help visitors imagine what life was like. Visit cultural centres in Teslin and Carmacks to see the skill and artistry in First Nations regalia, hand-carved masks and even an authentic mooseskin boat.
The Robert Campbell Highway portion of this drive is a well-maintained, mostly-gravel road that takes you through hours of untouched wilderness. Traffic is usually light, and you might find there’s as much chance of spotting a moose as passing another vehicle. Just remember, these majestic mammals always get right of way.
The South Canol Road connects the Robert Campbell and Alaska Highways. This wilderness road is not recommended for RVs and has no communities or services, but makes up for it with great fishing and plenty of beautiful scenery. There’s also a government campground with a boat launch at Quiet Lake—perfectly named for this secluded side trip.